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北九州 リリーズ・ガーデン Lily's Garden,Moji,Kitakyushu

  北九州門司にある、癒しの隠れ家カフェ「Lily's Garden」さん。ここは本当に落ち着くし、心底癒されます。ドッグランを持つ、愛犬家たちのカフェという一面もあり、他にはない魅力があります。場所が市街地から離れているために、車での移動が便利。友人はウォーキングを兼ねて、出かけていましたね。



It's located on Moji, Kutakyushu where is comfortable and just like hiding place. This is cafe and restaurant that has dog run space, so it's very rarely in Kitakyushu. It's far away from center of city then we should use a car. But my friends have been there by walking.

The owner is cheerful and friendly and little bit shy. He is very good at cooking. So every food and dessert are very delicious. And cafe is very comfortable so  I always stay here long time. On shiny day, you should spend the time at wood deck. Also mascot dog Lily is very cute. Name of Lily's garden came from her name.

I recommend you to go there when you feel stress or tiredness.

住所:北九州市門司区吉志438-2   438-2,Kishi,Moji,Kitakyushu,Fukuoka,JAPAN
休み:月曜・火曜(祝日は営業)      close:Monday,Tuesday(Open on Public Holiday)


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